Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy new year!

Hey, don't get fooled by the joyfull headline, I've yet to have any slight indication that this years is going to be better or happier than the previous one...
But I think somewhere there's a rule which states that you must be optimistic for a minimum of one week after something bad happens, and only then you're allowed to get depressed.

So, my 2006 new year's eve experience was quite wierd and baffeling. It involved an unexpected kiss, whole lotta alchohol, my IRiver, a surprisingly delicious Hanuka doughnut, and the two funkiest hitchhiking rides of my life.
The first day of 2006 greeted me with a splitting headache and a lecture about Quality Management.
Let me tell you that if the first day of a year is an indication for the rest of it, this one is going to be one hell of a confusing year!
Other than that, the rest of my week went relatively OK, and I sure hope this weekend will provide change in the spirit of events.
One thing I'm definitely going to do is have a great big bowl of humus this weekend, even two or more if I could help it!

Let me fill you in on some minor details I left out:
* Last friday night hosted a great outing with my Karmielian buddies (though the speedometer on my car decided to stop working, and I had to drive only by feel...). There were actually more people in my car when we came back than there were when we went out (the second car, driven by Amit, got stuck at the club and it's "contents" came back with me!).
* Also at the last weekend, I got some more great albums for my IRiver! Now I have almost every music I want at my fingertips! (but not this weekend, because I lent it to my sister, who wanted to tape the lectures she's taking...)
* This week, sadly, I did get to Mike's Place, and so I didn't get to see any of my friends there... I miss them (Frankie! You better be there this Monday!)...

That's enough of that for today!
Have fun, and drive carefully (operational speedometers are recommended...)!


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